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Virtual Worship

Since we needed to cancel worship the next two Sundays (and maybe longer), we are going to experiment this Sunday with virtual worship. We will use the ZOOM app to connect through the internet. If you join us you will experience a time of prayer, a brief meditation, and maybe even a hymn or two. The service will be at our regular worship time of 10:30 on Sunday morning.

Together, we'll discover what works and what doesn't work in this temporary worship environment. We may even learn how to use this tool for other meetings, like commission meetings, bible study, etc.

Chancel of the United Church of Colchester
photo by Ed Nirenstein

You are invited to a virtual worship service on Zoom.


Zoom instructions: If you have not used Zoom before, please check out this video which will provide guidance. Zoom can be accessed on smartphones, computers, traditional phones and tablets. Just call or click on the link at the time a gathering is scheduled to begin. Before service at 10:30 am:

  • By computer/app, click: ZOOM. If needed, the Meeting ID is: 117 941 858

  • By one tap mobile: +16465588656,,117941858#

  • By telephone, call: 1 646 558 8656, enter the meeting ID: 117 941 858

(Thanks to the College Street Congregational Church for the template for these ZOOM instructions!!)

If you have trouble logging into the Zoom meeting please call my cell at 802-233-3242. There will probably be some confusion by first-time users of ZOOM, so please be patient as we get everyone who wants to join in.

Please note, even if you don't have a computer, you can join us by phone!


If you can't join us virtually I hope you will take time for Scripture, prayer, and meditation. You can use the lectionary readings for this week, and the accompanying prayer

Sunday, March 22, 2020


  • Psalm: 23

  • Old Testament: 1 Samuel 16:1-13

  • New testament: Ephesians 5;8-14 Prayer: Source of Light, God of great mercy and love, we come to you this day seeking restoration of our sight. Clear away our blindness, and give us a new vision of all that we can accomplish in your name. Give us strength and confidence to truly witness to your abiding love and faithfulness. For we offer this prayer in Jesus’ Name. AMEN. Benediction: Even though you have lived in darkness, God’s light is being poured out for you. Accept the light and love that is freely offered, and be transformed by its healing mercies. AMEN.

May God bless us all in this time of uncertainty remembering always that this is a day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalm 118:24)

Pastor Russ

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