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Writer's picturePastor Russell Willis

Ministers: All God's People

Did you ever notice that every Sunday the bulletin lists the "Ministers" of the United Church of Colchester as "All God's People"? Think about it, God called the Church into being to minister to all the world. All the people who make up the church are, therefore, called to ministry. Everyone is a minister!

There are many different types of ministry. After our commissioning service last week someone brought up the fact that the commissioned leaders of the church--those individuals that are voted on by the congregation at our annual meeting-- were not the only ones doing ministry. Of course that is right. In fact, it turns out that we say so every time we hand out a bulletin!

So, we decided to be a bit more intentional about our ministries for four reasons.

  1. To remind us of the varied ways the church family we call the United Church of Colchester ministers to each other and to the world,

  2. To recognize and thank those who accept God's call to these various ministries.

  3. To spur us to consider which of these ministries might need to be strengthened.

  4. To imagine what new ministries we might pursue and make them happen.

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:16-20 - The Great Commisison)

There is always a danger of making lists because we can often inadvertently leave something or someone out. So, though the following list is expansive, it is certainly not complete. Accept it as a way for us as a church family to understand and support the United Church of Colchester, the Church of Jesus Christ in this place, Also note that there is no order to this list.

Ministries of the United Church of Colchester

American Baptist Women (ABW—all they do!)

Christmas Craft Fair

Garden of Eatin’

Collecting food for the Colchester Food Shelf

Delivering food to the Colchester Food Shelf

Purchasing Christmas gifts for COTS

Leading and singing in the Choir

Playing the piano or organ (or other instruments)

Church Tag Sale

Filling Baby Bottles for Aspire Together

Teaching Sunday School

Leading and participating in Bible Studies

Hosting/leading fireside chats and other youth activities

Maintaining & contributing to the website

Choosing banners for the front lawn

Hosting and participating in Church Family (Movie Night, Game Night, Hockey Night, etc.)

Mowing the lawn

Trimming the shrubs

Planting and maintaining flower gardens

Clearing snow and ice

Setting up the sanctuary for seasonal worship

Cleaning the church facilities

Repairing the church facilities

Bringing and serving food and eating food, and cleaning up

afterward (Potlucks, BBQs, Easter Breakfast, etc)



Helping lead worship (read, lead prayer, etc.)

Bookkeeping, auditing, collecting $

Streaming services on YouTube

Making and sending cards

Painting and distributing message rocks

Maintaining & contributing to “Love Wins!

Leading and participating in the Men’s Breakfasts


All the other ministries we forgot!

I hope all of you recognized yourself in this list. Thank you to all those who serve in ministry at the United Church of Colchester. Never hesitate to follow your passions, to answer God's call, by recommending a new ministry or new ways to pursue current ministries.

Grace to you, and peace!

Pastor Russ

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