April 9, 2024
After the awesome astronomical display of God's greatness yesterday, it is only appropriate that we use humility as our inspiration for Day 2 of our program of 21 Days of Prayer.
Day 2 – April 9
Contributed by Linda Ayer
Matthew 20: 26-28
… whoever wants to be great among you
must be your servant,
and whoever wants to be first
must be your slave
just as the Son of Man
did not come to be served,
but to serve
and to give his life
as a ransom for many.
Make Me A Servant
by Kelly Willard
Make me a servant,
humble and meek
Lord let me lift up
those who are weak
and may the prayer of
my heart always be:
make me a servant,
make me a servant
A recording of this beautiful praise chorus by the Maranatha Singers can be heard at (click the image below)
Looking Back
When we first set out on this prayer journey, we noted that it will culminate in our observance of the National Day of Prayer. As we head towards that event, we can also look back where it began even before we were a nation.
In 1746 French Admiral d'Anville sailed for New England commanding the most powerful fleet of the time - 70 ships carrying over 13,000 troops. He intended to recapture Louisburg, Nova Scotia, and then travel down the coast destroying the colonial towns as he went, beginning with Boston. In response Massachusetts Governor William Shirley declared a Day of Prayer and Fasting for October 16, 1746 to pray for deliverance.
In Boston's Old South Meeting House, Rev. Thomas Prince prayed,
"Send thy tempest, Lord, upon the water ... scatter the ships of our tormenters."
Historian Catherine Drinker Bowen related that as he finished praying, the sky darkened, winds shrieked and church bells rang.
A hurricane subsequently sank and scattered the entire French fleet.
May God bless our prayer journey together.
Board of Deacons
United Church of Colchester